Alexander Martin:
A Fresh, Independent Voice Working for a
Fairer Edinburgh South.

Alexander Martin, independent MP candidate for Edinburgh South

"I'm dismayed by the quality of many elected representatives. I want to bring honesty, integrity, and selfless commitment, back into politics"

"This is the constituency I live in, and I have a deep affection for the city of Edinburgh, where I call home"

Why vote for Alex

  • Pushing for an end to privatisation of the NHS and a holistic approach to healthcare, including a national care service.
  • A fairer, more just society, where hard work is rewarded, and excessive wealth is taxed. Ensuring that everyone can afford a decent standard of living.
  • A green transition which benefits everyone, not just politicians and their billionaire backers.
  • Making sure Politicians face consequences for corruption.
  • Closer ties with Europe. An end to the cynical use of Brexit by Hedge Funds to avoid European tax regulations.
  • Ending arms sales and support to Israel which enables ongoing genocide. Justice for the people of Palestine

As well as the bigger issues, I will do everything in my power to address local issues such as:

  • Lack of Public Services, GPs
  • Potholes, pavements and constant road works
  • Anti-social behaviour and litter
  • Profit driven housing projects
  • Leisure centre and care home closures
  • Poorly planned bicycle lanes

I'll have more freedom to hold the Labour run council and other local organisations more accountable by voicing your concerns and campaigning on your behalf.

Why not to vote for Labour

  • Keir Starmer has broken leadership pledges regarding outsourcing and backed more use of the private sector, which will result in longer waiting times.
  • Labour has broken pension reimbursement promises to "WASPI" women and are refusing to commit to the triple-lock pension guarantee.
  • Labour has reneged on £28 Billion of environmental pledges.
  • Keir Starmer is committed to Brexit, austerity and excessive privatisation which lead to higher cost of living.
  • Most Labour MPs failed to vote for a ceasefire in Gaza, despite 76% of the British citizens wanting one.
  • The Labour party is funded by billionaire financiers and hedge fund managers.

Our Key Priorities

Revitalizing Our Economy

Strengthening Healthcare

Green Future

Enhancing Education

Focused on Edinburgh South

Frequently Asked Questions

What impact can I have as an independent politician?

Why run as an independent candidate and not under one of the major parties?

What is my stance on Scottish Independence?

What are my views on sex, gender and equality?

How are you funding your campaign?

We'd love to hear from you... let's connect!

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